Rapunzel is the beloved child of two normal parents, not really a king and a queen, but nevertheless she grows up like a princess and she is spoilt with love, presents, sweetness and attention that gradually becomes more and more stifling. The fault lies with her mother, too protective, too jealous of her child, ready to do anything for her. But nobody can bind their love. The day will come when Rapunzel would not be treated as a child anymore and would yearn to discover the world and to follow her passions. The first fights between mother and daughter will begin and through Rapunzel's eyes her mother will become a wicked witch.
It sometimes happens that life and fairy tales mix, like Joel Pommerat writes.
It is not so uncommon to find in the story of Rapunzel some behaviours, some sentences, some characters that remind us of our daily life. In the show we play with the relationship between a caring mother and her daughter who is growing up and we spy with sensitivity and with a non-judgemental eye her fear of seeing her child leaving her loving nest. In Stivalaccio's style we treat the topic with simplicity and fun.
Further the puppetry and the physical and comic language are the key to catching the attention of audiences of any age.

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marzo 2025
Nessun evento
Directed by: Michele Mori
Written by: the Creative Team
Cast: Sara Allevi and Giulio Canestrelli
Director's assistant: Anna De Franceschi
Coreographic design: Valentina Dal Mas
Puppets: Roberta Bianchini- Puppet's use tutor: Ilaria Olivari/Teatro Hilaré
Set design: Alberto Nonnato
Original songs: Veronica Canale and Emma Grace Arkin
Costume design: Antonia Munaretti
Light design: Matteo Pozzobon
Producer: Stivalaccio Teatro
with the collaboration of Fondazione Teatro Civico di Schio
Puppet and actor's theatre
Suitable for ages: from 5 years